Latest trial pictures in picture processing using; MaxIm DL, Adobe Photoshop CS4 and ImagesPLus. Noel Carbonis macros, NeatImage functions, GradientXTerminator filters, Astra Images DDP, deconvolution filters and functions used in APS CS4. For a bigger picture, please left mouse click on below pictures. NGC7635 in Ha, SII, Ha, OIII. M27 in Ha, SII, Ha, OIII. NGC7635 in Ha only. IC5146, Cocoon Nebula in Ha. NGC650 in Ha. M27 in Ha, SII, Ha, OIII where the stars have got special processing treatment. Comet Lulin, re-processed picture. M110 taken with WO FLT110 and Canon20Da. M110 taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME. Rosette Nebula taken with WO FLT110 and Canon20Da. M42 re-processed picture. IC 410 and NGC 1893 without flat frame subtraction. IC 410 and NGC 1893 with flat frame subtraction. Tadpoles of IC 410. Moon test trial picture using DMK31 and LX200ACF 16". Moon test trial picture using LX200ACF 16" and Canon 20Da. Mars test trial IRpass,R,G,B picture using LX200ACF 16" and DMK31. M45 test trial picture using WO FLT-110 and Canon20Da. M106 test trial picture using LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME. M106 test trial picture using WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. M57 old Ha/OIII/L,RGB 2008 trial picture added, taken with LX200AFC 16" and SBIG ST-8XME. Lunar trial picture taken with LX200ACF 16" and DMK31 camera, Astronomik IR filter used. M51 trial picture mix that consists of a widefield picture taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera and close-up info. via LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Jupiter LUM(IR-R), R,G,B picture taken with LX200ACF 16", F10, DMK31 camera and astronomik filters used. Sub-frame size 1500 and Castrator, Autostakkert, RegiStax5.1, ImagesPlus and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used in data processing. M110 galaxy, color picture taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. Exposure time 13*5min. and picture processing done via DSS and APS. M1 crab nebula taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. Exposure time 10*5min. Lum M1 data added also, exposure time 3*5min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME. Horsehead Nebula in Noel Carboni's false Ha color. Exposure time 14*5min. subs and taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME. NGC2392 Eskimo Nebula, subs taken with LX200ACF 16" / SBIG ST-8XME and WO FLT-110 / Canon 20Da plus the WF color picture. Added a 200% size picture of NGC2392. M3 starcluster closeup color picture. Latest Jupiter pictures, 4 pictures. 3. marts-13. Decided to document my astrophoto processing technique, tools used are CCDstack2 and Adobe Photoshop CS4. 9 files are used to show this and they are: M1 SII, Ha, OIII stacks (3*5min, 5*5min,3*5min) preprocessed in CCDStack2 and DDP scaled in auto DDP mode, 3 files.
One file, a master Ha,OIII,SII M1 Lum picture that consist of 33% each of above mentioned narrow band stacks and 1 file, a master Lum(the 33% one),SIIHaOIII color picture (Hubble palette used) made in CCDStack2 and DDP scaled in auto and low DDP mode which then is mixed together in photoshop. Few processing steps made in photoshop as the filename picture show. Two additional pictures shown that documents how it's done in photoshop and how the processing steps are remembered also after 3 months using the filename notation method.