
M27 NGC6853
M27 NGC6853
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula
M57 Ha, OIII, L, RGB picture taken in 2008. Total exposure time ~ 8 hours.
M57 Ha, OIII, L, RGB picture taken in 2008. Total exposure time ~ 8 hours.
M64 NGC4826
M64 NGC4826
Comet Lulin
Comet Lulin
Rosette Nebula
Rosette Nebula
Horsehead Nebula surroundings color picture mixed with a closeup LUM picture of the horsehead.
Horsehead Nebula surroundings color picture mixed with a closeup LUM picture of the horsehead.
Part of the Moon.
Part of the Moon.
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula in Ha
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula in Ha
M27 in Ha
M27 in Ha
M76 NGC650
M76 NGC650
Tadpoles of IC 410.
Tadpoles of IC 410.
Comet Hartley2 composite picture.
Comet Hartley2 composite picture.
IC 410 and NGC 1893 taken with WO FLT-110 with WO fieldflattner mounted. Dark frame and flat frame subtraction done. Total exposure time via Canon 20Da, 13*4min. subs => 52min.
IC 410 and NGC 1893 taken with WO FLT-110 with WO fieldflattner mounted. Dark frame and flat frame subtraction done. Total exposure time via Canon 20Da, 13*4min. subs => 52min.
Tadpoles of IC410, a Ha picture.
Tadpoles of IC410, a Ha picture.
A Mars IRpass(L),R,G,B picture taken 25. Jan-2010. F25 ~ FL=10m using Meade LX200ACF 16" telescope and astronomik filters. Camera used DMK 31.
A Mars IRpass(L),R,G,B picture taken 25. Jan-2010. F25 ~ FL=10m using Meade LX200ACF 16" telescope and astronomik filters. Camera used DMK 31.
A Mars IRpass(L),R,G,B picture taken 25. Jan-2010. F25 ~ FL=10m using Meade LX200ACF 16" telescope and astronomik filters. Camera used DMK 31.
A Mars IRpass(L),R,G,B picture taken 25. Jan-2010. F25 ~ FL=10m using Meade LX200ACF 16" telescope and astronomik filters. Camera used DMK 31.
A Mars IRpass(L),R,G,B picture taken 25. Jan-2010. F25 ~ FL=10m using Meade LX200ACF 16" telescope and astronomik filters. Camera used DMK 31.
A Mars IRpass(L),R,G,B picture taken 25. Jan-2010. F25 ~ FL=10m using Meade LX200ACF 16" telescope and astronomik filters. Camera used DMK 31.
Rosette Nebula, latest processing attempt using APS CS4.
Rosette Nebula, latest processing attempt using APS CS4.
M51, a LUM picture 39*5min. subs.
M51, a LUM picture 39*5min. subs.
M51, a LRGB picture.
M51, a LRGB picture.
M51, a LRGB picture.
M51, a LRGB picture.
M51 LRGB picture.
M51 LRGB picture.
M106 LRGB picture.
M106 LRGB picture.
M106 color picture.
M106 color picture.
M106 galaxy color picture made via using two different telescopes and cameras in parallel.
M106 galaxy color picture made via using two different telescopes and cameras in parallel.
M106 LRGB picture.
M106 LRGB picture.
M3 color picture taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da.
M3 color picture taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da.
M13 widefield color picture.
M13 widefield color picture.
M57 widefield color picture.
M57 widefield color picture.
Lunar picture via LX200ACF 16", F10 FL~4m, Imaging Source DMK31 mono-camera, astronomik IR filter. Registax used to align/stack ~500 frames out of ~ 1900 frames and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used for additional picture enhancements.
Lunar picture via LX200ACF 16", F10 FL~4m, Imaging Source DMK31 mono-camera, astronomik IR filter. Registax used to align/stack ~500 frames out of ~ 1900 frames and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used for additional picture enhancements.
Lunar picture via LX200ACF 16", F10 FL~4m, Imaging Source DMK31 mono-camera, astronomik IR filter. AviStack used to align/stack the frame sequence and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used for additional picture enhancements.
Lunar picture via LX200ACF 16", F10 FL~4m, Imaging Source DMK31 mono-camera, astronomik IR filter. AviStack used to align/stack the frame sequence and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used for additional picture enhancements.
M57 Ha picture. Taken with LX200ACF 16" FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Astronomik Ha filter used. Exposure time: 9*5min + 4*10min., in total 95min.
M57 Ha picture. Taken with LX200ACF 16" FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Astronomik Ha filter used. Exposure time: 9*5min + 4*10min., in total 95min.
M27 wide field picture exposure times was 13*5 min. subs taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object was 13*5 min. for both the Ha and OIII subs taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field 0.5X reducer=FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. CCDStack2, ImagesPl...
M27 wide field picture exposure times was 13*5 min. subs taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object was 13*5 min. for both the Ha and OIII subs taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field 0.5X reducer=FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. CCDStack2, ImagesPl...
M27 bi-color picture. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object was 13*5 min. for both the Ha and OIII subs taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field 0.5X reducer = FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Astronomik Ha and OIII narrow band filters used. CCDStack2 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used fo...
M27 bi-color picture. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object was 13*5 min. for both the Ha and OIII subs taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field 0.5X reducer = FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Astronomik Ha and OIII narrow band filters used. CCDStack2 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used fo...
M27 bi-color picture. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object was 13*5 min. for both the Ha and OIII subs taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field 0.5X reducer = FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Astronomik Ha and OIII narrow band pictures used. CCDStack2 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used f...
M27 bi-color picture. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object was 13*5 min. for both the Ha and OIII subs taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field 0.5X reducer = FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Astronomik Ha and OIII narrow band pictures used. CCDStack2 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 used f...
M27 tri-color picture. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object were for SII, Ha and OIII, 75, 120, and 115 min. All the 5 min. subs were taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field 0.5X reducer = FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Astronomik SII, Ha and OIII narrow band pictures used. CCDS...
M27 tri-color picture. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object were for SII, Ha and OIII, 75, 120, and 115 min. All the 5 min. subs were taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field 0.5X reducer = FL~2m and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Astronomik SII, Ha and OIII narrow band pictures used. CCDS...
M27 wide field picture exposure times was 52*5 min. subs taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object were for SII, Ha and OIII subs 75, 120 and 115 min. in total. All blended in subs. as LUM were 5. min. and taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field ...
M27 wide field picture exposure times was 52*5 min. subs taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. Close-up exposure times of the M27 object were for SII, Ha and OIII subs 75, 120 and 115 min. in total. All blended in subs. as LUM were 5. min. and taken with Meade LX200ACF 16", Optec NextGEN Wide Field ...
M27 SII,Ha,OIII picture. Published in Meade4M gallery;
M27 SII,Ha,OIII picture. Published in Meade4M gallery;
M56 widefield color picture taken 19. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 12*5min. Mixed with M56 center LUM data 7*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M56 widefield color picture taken 19. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 12*5min. Mixed with M56 center LUM data 7*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M15 widefield color picture taken 20. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 5*5min. Mixed with M15 center LUM data 9*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M15 widefield color picture taken 20. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 5*5min. Mixed with M15 center LUM data 9*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M56 nebula center LUM data 7*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M56 nebula center LUM data 7*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M71 LUM data 9*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M71 LUM data 9*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M71 widefield color picture taken 20. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 4*5min. Mixed with M71 center LUM data 9*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M71 widefield color picture taken 20. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 4*5min. Mixed with M71 center LUM data 9*3min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
NGC869 NGC884 widefield color picture with starspikes taken 26. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 12*5min.
NGC869 NGC884 widefield color picture with starspikes taken 26. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 12*5min.
NGC869 NGC884 widefield color picture taken 26. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 12*5min.
NGC869 NGC884 widefield color picture taken 26. Aug-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 12*5min.
Picture of Jupiter, a R-RGB picture taken 29. Aug-2010 using LX200ACF 16" F25, DMK31, astronomik filters; sub-frame size 1000.
Used the following programs on R(as LUM), R,G,B sequences; VirtualDub, Castrator, AutoStakkert, ImagesPlus and Adobe Photoshop CS4.
Picture of Jupiter, a R-RGB picture taken 29. Aug-2010 using LX200ACF 16" F25, DMK31, astronomik filters; sub-frame size 1000. Used the following programs on R(as LUM), R,G,B sequences; VirtualDub, Castrator, AutoStakkert, ImagesPlus and Adobe Photoshop CS4.
M15 widefield color picture taken 20. Aug. and updated 2. Sep-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 15*5min. mixed with M15 center LUM data 8*3min.+29*1min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
M15 widefield color picture taken 20. Aug. and updated 2. Sep-2010 with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da camera, exposure time 15*5min. mixed with M15 center LUM data 8*3min.+29*1min. taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME.
4->5. Sep-2010, a Jupiter LUM(IR), R,G,B picture taken with LX200ACF 16" F10, DMK31 camera and astronomik filters used. Sub-frame size 1500 and Castrator, AutoStakkert, RegiStax5.1, ImagesPlus and Adobe Photoshop CS4 programs used in data processing.
4->5. Sep-2010, a Jupiter LUM(IR), R,G,B picture taken with LX200ACF 16" F10, DMK31 camera and astronomik filters used. Sub-frame size 1500 and Castrator, AutoStakkert, RegiStax5.1, ImagesPlus and Adobe Photoshop CS4 programs used in data processing.
Comet Hartley 2.
Published in Meade4M gallery,
Comet Hartley 2. Published in Meade4M gallery,
Comet Hartley 2.
Published in S&T gallery,
Comet Hartley 2. Published in S&T gallery,
WF M110 picture.
Published in S&T gallery,
WF M110 picture. Published in S&T gallery,
M45 exposure time 12*5min. and color picture taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da.
M45 exposure time 12*5min. and color picture taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da.
IC 434 Horsehead Nebula in Ha. Exposure time 14*5min. Picture taken 20. Jan-2011 using 16" LX-200ACF telescope and SBIG ST-8XME camera.
Published in S&T,
IC 434 Horsehead Nebula in Ha. Exposure time 14*5min. Picture taken 20. Jan-2011 using 16" LX-200ACF telescope and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Published in S&T,
M42 in Hubble colors, SII, Ha, OIII. In total ~55min. An LUM layer was added which consist of Ha, OIII, SII and LUM data. Additionally few R, G, B subs were added to improve star colors. Subs varies between 5sec. up to 180sec. Subs taken with LX-200ACF 16" telescope and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Publishe...
M42 in Hubble colors, SII, Ha, OIII. In total ~55min. An LUM layer was added which consist of Ha, OIII, SII and LUM data. Additionally few R, G, B subs were added to improve star colors. Subs varies between 5sec. up to 180sec. Subs taken with LX-200ACF 16" telescope and SBIG ST-8XME camera. Publishe...
Horsehead Nebula, a Ha/color picture. Ha exposure time 14*5min. plus color data 4*5min.
Horsehead Nebula, a Ha/color picture. Ha exposure time 14*5min. plus color data 4*5min.
M1 crap nebula. Taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da with blended LUM information of M1 taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME. Published in S&T,
M1 crap nebula. Taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da with blended LUM information of M1 taken with LX200ACF 16" and SBIG ST-8XME. Published in S&T,
M1 crap nebula taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. M1 Lum data taken with LX200ACF 16" and Canon 20Da. Exposure time color 26*5min. and Lum 12*5min.
M1 crap nebula taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da. M1 Lum data taken with LX200ACF 16" and Canon 20Da. Exposure time color 26*5min. and Lum 12*5min.
NGC 2392, Eskimo Nebula.
NGC 2392, Eskimo Nebula.
LUM picture of M1 crab nebula, exposure time 12*5min. subs.
LUM picture of M1 crab nebula, exposure time 12*5min. subs.
Sharpened Eskimo Nebula color picture.
Sharpened Eskimo Nebula color picture.
M33 center, LUM/color picture.
M33 center, LUM/color picture.
M110 galaxy, a LUM picture.
M110 galaxy, a LUM picture.
M27, bi-color Ha, OIII picture.
M27, bi-color Ha, OIII picture.
Moon picture.
Moon picture.
Star cluster M13, a LRGB picture.
Star cluster M13, a LRGB picture.
Veil Nebula, a color picture.
Veil Nebula, a color picture.
M57 widefield picture with M57 LUM information enhancement added.
M57 widefield picture with M57 LUM information enhancement added.
Moon color picture. Taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da, ISO400 settings and consist of two pictures combined. Exposure time 4 sec. and 1/100 sec. taken 8. March-2011.
Moon color picture. Taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da, ISO400 settings and consist of two pictures combined. Exposure time 4 sec. and 1/100 sec. taken 8. March-2011.
Moon picture taken with LX200ACF 16" telescope and DMK31 camera.
Moon picture taken with LX200ACF 16" telescope and DMK31 camera.
NGC 2392 Eskimo Nebula color picture.
NGC 2392 Eskimo Nebula color picture.
picture taken during two nights, 08/04/2011 and 10/04/2011 in Copenhagen Denmark, location 10km from CPH city center. 

Telescope: Meade LX200ACF 16".
Mount: Ken Milburn wedge.
Camera: SBIG ST-8XME.
Reducer: Lepus 0.62X.
Guiding: Via Individual ED70/SBIG STL 237H CCD using CCDSoft.
Exposure: RGB eac...
picture taken during two nights, 08/04/2011 and 10/04/2011 in Copenhagen Denmark, location 10km from CPH city center. Telescope: Meade LX200ACF 16". Mount: Ken Milburn wedge. Camera: SBIG ST-8XME. Reducer: Lepus 0.62X. Guiding: Via Individual ED70/SBIG STL 237H CCD using CCDSoft. Exposure: RGB eac...
NGC4490 WF color picture. WF picture taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da, subs=10*300sec, ISO800. Closeup info of NGC4490 combined into this WF picture.
NGC4490 WF color picture. WF picture taken with WO FLT-110 and Canon 20Da, subs=10*300sec, ISO800. Closeup info of NGC4490 combined into this WF picture.
A Saturn LUM(IR+R), RGB picture taken 22. April 2011.
A Saturn LUM(IR+R), RGB picture taken 22. April 2011.
2. Sep-2011, Bubble Nebula color picture. Exposure time 53*5min ISO800. Telescope WO FLT-110. Camera Canon 20Da.
2. Sep-2011, Bubble Nebula color picture. Exposure time 53*5min ISO800. Telescope WO FLT-110. Camera Canon 20Da.
2. Sep-2011, Bubble Nebula a LUM,Narrowband picture. NB Ha, OIII and SII astronomik filters used. Exposure time LUM=26*1min+5*2min. Ha=18*5min+4*2min. OIII=18*5min. og SII=5*5min.
2. Sep-2011, Bubble Nebula a LUM,Narrowband picture. NB Ha, OIII and SII astronomik filters used. Exposure time LUM=26*1min+5*2min. Ha=18*5min+4*2min. OIII=18*5min. og SII=5*5min.
21. Aug-2011, Comet Garradd color picture. Median stack LUM exposure time 7*60sec + 11*120sec. Colors taken from a WB picture.
21. Aug-2011, Comet Garradd color picture. Median stack LUM exposure time 7*60sec + 11*120sec. Colors taken from a WB picture.
23. Aug-2011, Comet Garradd color picture. Total exposure time 1 hour in 2min. subs ISO800. Telescope WO FLT-110 and camera Canon 20Da.
23. Aug-2011, Comet Garradd color picture. Total exposure time 1 hour in 2min. subs ISO800. Telescope WO FLT-110 and camera Canon 20Da.
23. Aug-2011, focus on NGC221/M32. Exposure time 11*5min. ISO800. Telescope WO FLT-110 and camera Canon 20Da.
23. Aug-2011, focus on NGC221/M32. Exposure time 11*5min. ISO800. Telescope WO FLT-110 and camera Canon 20Da.
23. Aug-2011, Comet Garradd, a median composed 125% sized color picture.
23. Aug-2011, Comet Garradd, a median composed 125% sized color picture.
Bubble narrowband exposure time ~9.3 hours. Number of subs Ha=14*10min+15*5min, OIII=12*10min+14*5min, SII=13*10min+5*5min.
Bubble narrowband exposure time ~9.3 hours. Number of subs Ha=14*10min+15*5min, OIII=12*10min+14*5min, SII=13*10min+5*5min.
Bubble narrowband exposure time ~9.3 hours. Number of subs Ha=14*10min+15*5min, OIII=12*10min+14*5min, SII=13*10min+5*5min.
Bubble narrowband exposure time ~9.3 hours. Number of subs Ha=14*10min+15*5min, OIII=12*10min+14*5min, SII=13*10min+5*5min.
17. Sep-2011, 3 jupiter color pictures taken with Meade LX200ACF 16" telescope, FL~4 meters.
17. Sep-2011, 3 jupiter color pictures taken with Meade LX200ACF 16" telescope, FL~4 meters.
Jupiter, a LUMr,RGB picture taken 13. Jan-12.
Jupiter, a LUMr,RGB picture taken 13. Jan-12.
M27 Hubble palette picture with RGB stars. Total exposure time ~13 hours. Taken with WO FLT-110 and Atik 460ex. Baader filters were used.
M27 Hubble palette picture with RGB stars. Total exposure time ~13 hours. Taken with WO FLT-110 and Atik 460ex. Baader filters were used.
M76, a LHaOIIIRGB picture.
M76, a LHaOIIIRGB picture.
M76, a 10 hour exposure picture.
M76, a 10 hour exposure picture.
M27 picture, Sep-2013.
M27 picture, Sep-2013.
M27 picture, Sep-2013.
M27 picture, Sep-2013.
M27, Sep-2013.
M27, Sep-2013.
NGC6826 color picture.
NGC6826 color picture.
M45, Merope IC 349.
M45, Merope IC 349.

My best astro pictures taken so far.
For a bigger picture and / or slideshow, please left  mouse click on below pictures.

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