picture taken during two nights, 08/04/2011 and 10/04/2011 in Copenhagen Denmark, location 10km from CPH city center.
Telescope: Meade LX200ACF 16".
Mount: Ken Milburn wedge.
Camera: SBIG ST-8XME.
Reducer: Lepus 0.62X.
Guiding: Via Individual ED70/SBIG STL 237H CCD using CCDSoft.
Exposure: RGB each channel 12*5min and LUM 12*5min+16*10min.
Filters: 2" IDAS LPS and 1.25" LRGB astronomik.
Preprocessed, and stacked in CCDStack2 using dark, flat, dark-flat and bias frames.
Further processed in Adobe PhotoShop CS4.
Published in S&T: http://media.skyandtelescope.com/images/NGC-4490_LRGB_BC_L_66_web.jpg